Posted on 5/26/2022

If your vehicle's brake pedals feel spongy or fall too low, it is wise that you bring it to a certified mechanic. At our professional auto repair shop, we can inspect your vehicle's braking system to determine the root cause of the issue. Below are several reasons why drivers might experience spongy brakes. Air Escaped Into Braking System If you know a thing or two about hydraulic braking systems, the air is its worse enemy. When we find air in the brake lines, the only simple solution is to remove it. This process is done by bleeding the brakes. Sometimes, this problem is caused by poor brake work or weakened brake components. After we bleed the brakes, we can top your car off with clean brake fluid. Old Brake Fluid Old and contaminated brake fluid can also cause your brake pedals to feel off. Just like all your other car fluids, brake fluid isn't meant to last forever. Depending on what is specified in your car manual, brake fluid can last anywhere between 25,000 to ... read more