Posted on 6/28/2022

Spark plugs are in charge of providing the spark to ignite the air and fuel mixture in your engine. They are tiny objects, but they are absolutely necessary to effectively start your car and keep your motor operating. To keep your car on the road, make sure you’re well informed on the signs of failing spark plugs: Engine Misfires - Failing spark plugs can cause engine misfires because the spark can’t ignite the fuel and air properly. You may also notice a popping noise when it occurs. Other issues that can cause misfires include worn ignition coils or plug wires. To be sure, bring your car to our shop for diagnostics. Engine Surges: This is a popular sign of bad spark plugs. Even though your engine can surge due to an inefficient fuel system, it is safe to check your spark plugs too. Poor Fuel Economy: When the spark plugs are not in good condition, they can’t burn the fuel in the combustion chamber. Your vehicle will respond with more fuel, resulting in a higher g ... read more